Patented DRI-Stack® System

Dry & condition grain in your bin

Delivering air more precisely for more uniform drying

More uniform drying

Exhaust high moisture air above the grain while delivering airflow throughout the bin.

Precise air delivery

Target sections or layers of your bin; allowing you to focus your fan's energy where you need it most.

Target dry the top

Peak your bin worry-free. The DRI-Stack® can reach any area of the bin, including the top!

Drying in-bin for more operational flexability

More control & flexibility

  • Dry-down from 23% moisture
  • Up to 40% reduction in energy cost
  • Harvest 2-3 weeks earlier
  • Dry 8 points in 14 days, weather permitting
  • Up to 4x quicker than ambient drying
  • Remote monitoring 24/7
  • Service & install included
Move the air, not the grain

Works with your existing bin setup

  • Compatible with your sweep auger
  • Integrates with fans & burners
  • Temperature & moisture cables
  • Touchscreen control panel
  • Online dashboard to monitor from anywhere
  • Automated dry & storage modes
  • Over-the-air system updates
Help for drying support & bin issues

A dedicated crew of remote bin site support

Technology on the farm is only as useful as the support that comes with it. Our dedicated crew of bin support helps oversee the drying process & provide guidance each step of the way.

Confidently dry, store & monitor your grain with the help of our dedicated team of bin site support.
What farmers are saying...

Helping farmers dry, store & monitor grain across 10 states... & counting

When you're in the beginning of the season, every day counts. The DRI-Stack allowed us to pick 13 days earlier.

Southwest Iowa Farmer
Not only is the DRI-Stack inexpensive compared to the conventional drying system, but within 10 days the moisture was down from 22% to 15.5%.
Northwest Iowa Farmer
I am happy with the DRI-Stack system & how I can monitor & control it from my combine. I just took a load out at 15.3%.
Northwest Missouri Farmer
Very happy with my system! This saved the headache of doing multiple transfers from my stirator bin. Now i can dry in my storage bin.
Southern Iowa Farmer
Because I achieved an early harvest & dried quickly, I was able to gain seasonal contract premium of 40 cents above basis.
Northeast Iowa Farmer
This thing dries corn like a dream
Northwest Iowa Farmer
See DRI-Stack® in action

De-stressing your harvest

Increase capacity & speed of your drying operation

How DRI-Stack® works

Automated natural air drying system

See the full product packet & learn how to level up your natural air drying capacity with the patented DRI-Stack system.
Get your free download today!

Free PRODUCT packet!

Improve your in-bin drying flexibility & efficiency with the DRI-Stack natural air drying management system. Download the FREE info packet & case study today!
A system that integrates with your existing bin setup

See what DRI-Stack® can do for your bin site!

Free assessment • Over the phone estimate • No obligation

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